I was having a conversation with my mom about all of the things I have been experiencing as of late...things are complex, life is complex and instead of trying to FIGURE it all out because as I told her I am a worrier by nature, I'm tryna WORK it out all, by taking it in stide and riding the wave...hoping there's something greater to come....Things aren't always what they seem and though we often use the anology of "the cup as half empty or half full" I've come to the realization that perhaps my cup MUST runeth over in order for me to put it down and as my mom would say, "re-stable-ize". Because as long as there's a handle on that cup and I think I got a grip on it, half full OR half empty, the cup itself may be keeping me from picking up something greater or more useful, or learning a new lesson, receiving a new blessing. We don't control everything in life and free will can be a helluva choice, but we CAN choose how we would like to react and let the Lord judge us as thy may...I'm sure thou will be glad to know I TRIED, and with all my might.
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