Well it is what it is. Am I as cursed as the fortune teller told me when she did that hand reading so long ago. Everybody says it, but nobody acts on it. What is that about? Everyone talks, isn't that why it's so cheap?
But back to the fortune teller as I look at the ridged lines known as "your love line" I wonder about what she said. That this path may always look this way because it is written in those lines.
Well fuck my life because I thought all this time it was me or them, but it turns out it's just the lines in my palm. They tell all there is to tell. Go to hell lady.
But that doesn't eliminate the issue. I was well on my way, being that I live at 110...miles per hour that is. I slowed down to 55 to talk to you. Are you getting in? I have to go. Everybody knows how hard I work, how beautiful and smart I am, how much I got it going on, how youthful I look, I gotta go. Gotsta keep up with what you think even though it's waaaaay more complex than that.
What is the deal? EVERY SINGLE TIME it's the same, eventually. I just assume not bother because I have too much to do as it is and I will never arrive in this life so I have much to keep me occupied. Who needs companionship when you can work hard, and have people tell you your worthy and in the same breath too worthy for them. What kind of shitty shit is this? Why should one even care. Well I don't. I am independent and completely self sufficient. Aren't you?
Move around with that bullshit. There's only room for one pussy here.
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